
I am Jessie

Home is where you can be you

On my platform I aim to inspire you to make you feel more at home

Making people feel at home is what drives me. At home is where you are most yourself. I have worked as a professional at large area developers and I am developing, selling and letting new houses for people to call their home. More and more I feel the need to make my mission more personal. On my platform I aim to inspire you to design your home and life in such a way that you will feel more at home. In your own home and with yourself.

I am looking for ways to feel more at home and I would love to take you on my search.

“We shape our homes and then they shape us“

― Winston Churchill

Let's share our stories

The story of my life is about how after 16 houses I’m finally coming home. I have my family to thank for that. Through all my knowledge, but mostly through their love I managed to get unstuck.

So I will share with you my story, but mostly beautiful interiors, good food and great lifestyle. Choose whatever you feel could become part of the story of your life too. 

The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned